Would you like a lawsuit with that? - sexual harrasment at work

Imagine a world where you are safe, no threat or violence just peace, difficult right? What does one do when they can’t even feel safe going to work every day as they are being constantly harassed by their boss or colleagues?
Nearly all sexual harassment at work goes unreported – and those who do report often see zero benefit; - The conversation 

Sexual harassment of any form and at any place is by law forbidden and immediate consequences take place, although there are many loopholes in such a system. Most people who get sexually harassed are unlikely to report it due to fear, trauma, embarrassment and even threat. Victims are afraid of what lies ahead and that their assaulter will deny any actions being placed, having it placed on the victim as being mentally unstable. Yet thanks to EEOC – Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, treats any report and charges very seriously making sure that immediate action is taken.

It is your body and you should respect that, let alone anyone else. Nobody should feel that reporting a case of sexual harassment is pointless. Most people do not get actual benefit from filing a lawsuit against offenders. The way I see it, is that one should have enough respect for themselves to take action and prevent it from happening to anyone else. The rate of monetary benefit, workplace benefit and workplace change are very low. Statistics show that after reporting most people are likely to lose their job as a result and experience retaliation.

To anyone that has been sexually harassed, from me to you, report it. You never know what the outcome may be and you are a strong person for getting through it.

For further information:

Sexual harassment at the workplace 

5 ways to stop sexual harassment at the workplace 

Help is here:

For Maltese residents: Victim support
